Medina Children's Library
In a small 10’ X 12’ room, the Medina Children's Library (MCL) provides education and books for children in the cultural capital of Fez, Morocco.The library sees nearly 1,200 visits monthly as the only children’s library in the area. Since opening in 2015, the library has been able to nurture the love of reading for many children and provide them with further learning opportunities. The MCL has been able to expand its programs over the years by adding field trips, movie nights, and book rentals. The founders rely on support from the community and donations to replace books and sustain the costs of operating.
Friends of Fez Orphans
Enhancing the lives of children is the main priority at the volunteer run organization, The Friends of Fez Orphanage (FOFO). The association focuses on providing an opportunity of education, various types of therapy, and socialization skills, which work to form a safe environment for young children to grow up in. Over the years the organization has been able to provide hair styling lessons for girls, cooking classes, and tons of educational field trips through donations. To sustain the diverse programs offered at FOFO, the volunteers rely on community support and partnerships to fund brighter futures for children.